* Special “Event Parking” signs will be used by our Security Staff to delineate areas at the Library where limited and orderly parking will be permitted for special events at the Gazebo only. Please submit Event Parking requests to the Corporation Office for review. Any overflow of vehicles for these events will need to use the overflow lots around the Park. In order to save parking space for church services, we recommend using the parking lot on Park Avenue (on the opposite side of the street from the Tabernacle) or the lot on Ontario Avenue near Rainbow Street. Parking maps available upon request.
Fees payable to Thousand Island Park Foundation
$250.00 Gazebo usage for residents
$500.00 Gazebo usage for non-residents
$100.00 for Baptisms at the Gazebo
$2 per chair
$7 per table
Fee payable to Thousand Island Park Corporation
$150.00 Chapel usage